This is a letter I sent to my specifically-Pilgrimage distribution list, which is not on Substack, but I wanted to give this community the opportunity to participate, too. Thank you!
Little by Little
I've been sending out Christmas cards to family, close friends, and Pilgrimage Outfitters and participants, but this year, they are devoid of a paper newsletter, because I decided I'd buy myself some time and mail that out later, via email. I also thought I could plausibly combine that email with a Giving Tuesday reminder, but Giving Tuesday is already more than half over and I haven't even started so we'll get to the newsletter later. Meanwhile...
Please Consider the Pilgrimage in Your End of Year Donations
The Pilgrimage, a small online spiritual care community, is wrapping up its 9th year serving people on the fringes of church, and increasingly seeking to help churches better enfold those trying to return. Your generosity enables me to invest time each week in one-to-one spiritual care meetings with people who don't have pastors, write pieces to help challenge and grow people's faith, practice persistence in personal, individualized outreach, and augments the cost of the intentionally-small courses I teach.
Something for You!
One of the most unique things about the Pilgrimage, I suspect, is that its supporters are its best participants, and vice versa. So if you have participated in a program but are not a regular donor, please consider contributing to further help other people as you have been helped. On the other hand, if you've so far only donated but never partaken of a Pilgrimage program or event yourself, please consider joining us "on the road"! You might be surprised at the connections you find, even if you don't consider yourself "deconstructing," or even on the fringes.
A great way to "dip your toe in the [not too freezing] water" is to join us at our fourth annual online retreat, Winter Solace. Attending this retreat is a great way both to tend to your own spiritual wellbeing as a new year begins, and to help support others, including the many fine presenters who share their time and insights with us. Hope to see you there!
If you're already an Outfitter/participant, I hope you know how much I appreciate you, and how much you help.
Travel well,